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July 2012
Tai Chi Association of Australia

New Management Committee

The June 9th AGM brought in the new Management Committee line-up: President - Ken Goh, Secretary - Rosemary Palmer, Treasurer & Membership Manager - Lina He, Vic & Tas Rep - Maxine Gardner, NSW Rep - Lina He, QLD & NT Rep – Dennis Watts, SA Rep – Rosemary Palmer, WA Rep – Robert Hall, Other members – Gai Wanless & Brenda Hum.

President's Report

Hello Members,Ken Goh
The June 8th 2012 TCAA Open Tai Chi Competition went very well, and it was very pleasing to see the standard of performance going ever higher. This year’s competition had the support to the Confucius Institute of the University of Sydney, and it garnered a strong participation from the Chinese speaking community of Sydney.
Victoria State’s Control Of Weapons Regulations 2011, required to support the operation of the Control of Weapons Act 1990, is being updated and will soon be approved and published in the Government Gazette. TCAA is a listed organization whose members may seek exemption for swords under the Act.
A major condition in the new Regulations is that the exemption must be specifically sought by each person, ie the exemption is not automatic merely by being a member of TCAA. The member must agree to comply by the Regulations and further needs to make a statutory declaration that s/he is not a “prohibited person”. TCAA will then issue/re-issue a membership card indicating the exemption. The Committee is working on the documentation.
Non-Victoria residents should note that if you enter Victoria to practise or compete with a sword (whether yours or a borrowed one), you must have an exemption.
Remember also that we try to post events of interest to members on the What’s On in Tai Chi page.  You are recommended to visit the page often by following the link on the TCAA website: www.TaiChiAustralia.Com.
Best wishes for your health
— Ken

NCAS Instructor Accreditation

Members seeking accreditation that is recognized Australia-wide, and giving access to insurance cover for teaching a martial art, ie your classes include contact and self-defence, are informed to regularly check up on AKWF website for the course schedule.  The link is Your may also access via the AKWF website, or via a link in the TCAA website: www.TaiChiAustralia.Com  - NO Au!

2012 Oceania Kung Fu / Wushu
Championships ~ 2nd September 2012 

This event is organized by the Kung Fu Wushu NSW branch of the AKWF. It will be at the Hall of Legends, State Sports Centre, Homebush. Tai Chi forms and weapons are included amongst the Kung Fu and Wushu styles. It is open to TCAA members, and even open to those not being members of AKWF or TCAA.
Closing date for entry forms and fees is Monday, 6th August 2012.  For Rules and Regulations, as well as Entry Forms, go to, or email or tel Alice Dong on 0414 281 098.

Competition Photos

Comp1 Comp2
Comp3 Comp4

FREE Push Hands Workshop - NSW

Push HandsThe next FREE NSW workshop will be held for TCAA members on the 29th September 2012 (Saturday) starting 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm at St. John's Hall, 64 Bland Street, Ashfield NSW. The three facilitators Roman Czerniawsky, Ken Goh, and Todd Huang will again be available to initiate the discussion. Please come on time as late joiners confuse the facilitators.
We are limited to 20 participants, so please reserve your place by 27th September. Reservations may be made by email to or text to 0404 462 657, or message left at (02) 9528 3357.
Take advantage of your membership!

The Tai Chi Sword

 "Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is always malleable is always superior over that which is immovable". Lao Tzu

Last week I received from my dear friend and teaching partner Scott, a Tai Chi Sword - a beautiful Jian (the Chinese name for this type of sword, double-edged straight sword with a red tassel) At once, the sword took the attention of my practice.  New questions have popped up:  where shall we keep the sword, away from the long fingers of the children, or should we hang it up on  the living room wall?

Here are a few facts I had to tell the children, about the sword and why did I receive a sword. Although the Sword is traditional ancient weapon, it has preserved itself as a wonderful tool for enhancing the Tai Chi practice. The sword form teaches us graceful, flowing movements, depicting martial arts movements such as neutralising attacks and redirecting the opponents’ power.
Practicing with the sword, we are taught to be precise, quick and very light, while developing calm and focused mind. Through the swords sequence and applications, we develop unprecedented flow of Qi, and a new level of control over our energy.
Apparently, each Tai Chi style has it's own variety of Sword forms, certainly the Yang, Wu, and Chen Styles, which have adapted the Sword as the Key weapon that every practitioner should practice. The Chinese Jian Sword is also used by Wushu and Wudang, and often performed in events and competitions.
It's been a while since I have practiced with the sword and now it's a call up to place serious time and effort in brushing up my skills, improving and mastering my new sword. Seems like a task that can take a lifetime, but in ancient China they recommended that it should take one year only.
So if you already own a sword, I suggest revisiting the practice, and working on the precision, harmony and agility of your Qi flow, while calming and relaxing your mind. But if you don't have one, zip over to the local China town, or jump onto the Internet and order a double-edged straight sword, together with an instructional DVD, and start to brush up your sword skills.
Wishing you all a happy Sword practice.

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What's On

Upcoming Events

and JIU ZUAN SHEN DAN - Nine Turns Lying Qigong

KUNGFU / WUSHU NCAS Accreditation Courses

Explore the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis with Dr Paul Lam

29 Aug/Sept
For all Taoist Tai Chi & Qigong dates, see flyer at bottom

2012 Oceania Kung Fu / Wushu Championships

MASSAGE WORKSHOP with Grandmaster Khor

Post to What's On

Deadline for next Newsletter

14 October 
Your Tai Chi events, images &  articles etc.
Membership Renewal
TCAA website
Advertise here
Gadi Levy-Golan

Editors Note

Dear Friends,

Earlier this month I returned from a Chi Gong seminar on the Island of Crete, in Greece, with Dr. Alan Peatfield ~ A Canadian Master who dedicated his seminar to the Spine's Health.
We all know how delicate the spine can be, and how it is involved directly in every single move we make. However, when you spend five intense days thinking, learning and training with the spine at the top of your attention, you begin to develop an increased awareness to this major pillar of our existence.
The bad news, according to Dr. Peatfield is the fact that stress, which is accumulated often in our shoulders and shoulder blades, is actually produced in the mind and the central nervous system. Thus, the spinal Cord, being one of the major pathways of the nervous system, is accumulating stress on a regular basis.
Here comes the good news. Through proper practice of mindful movements, QiGong and Tai Chi, we can release the stress out of our spinal cord, dispersing it and eliminating it from our body. We've all heard the bad effects of stress, and how it can trigger sleeping symptoms in our system, waiting for some stress to wake them up and spoil our day. To achieve the stress cleansing goals we have to remember to constantly pay attention in our practice to do the following:
1. Spine must be erect, with the crown pushing the heavens, while the trunk is sunk to the Qua. (the Qi reservoirs in our hips).
2. Proper alignment also means that we tuck in our tailbone slightly in.
3. Open up our airways and breath to the lower abdomen.
4. Be natural without forcing any movement or posture.
5. Understand the Bio-Mechanic of your spine and be aware of what it does in every second of your practice.
If you are teaching in your community, or lecture in a workplace, it is important to emphasize, said Dr. Peatfield, that back problems are the first cause for missing working days in the western world. Through Tai Chi and Qigong we learn how to manage our back, the spine and the stress that is stored within.
Dealing with the back also has a profound effect on your internal organs. Ask yourself during the practice if you can feel ALL of you back?
In conclusion, working with your back makes you more coordinated and aware of many other aspects of your practice.
Wishing you all a healthy back,

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