
Find a school or instructor

This site only lists teachers who are members of the Association. Note - TCAA does not run classes itself, and these pages do NOT purport to be a comprehensive list of ALL instructors in any area.

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List as an instructor

Being listed by the TCAA involves 2 easy steps:

  1. Complete and submit the Website Instructor Listing form and declaration, providing your details
  2. Mail the form by post to the TCAA

The application may take up to 2 weeks for processing.

If you want to update your details in the instructor list, please complete the Online Update form. The information may take up to 2 weeks for processing.

Insurance Alternatives for Teachers

If you are teaching publicly, part of the risk management is to have insurance. Remember that all insurers require you to comply with their specified conditions so that statistically they will make a profit. If you are non-compliant, you may not be protected even if you paid your premium. Also, no insurance will protect you for illegal activities. TCAA provides the information below for you to make your own decision about whether any of these insurance fits your circumstances. TCAA's information is not to be contrued as legal advice. Remember - your insurance is a matter between yourself and the insurer; TCAA is not a party to the actual contract.

More information is provided in the Teachers/Instructors Insurance Alternatives form.

Instructor Accreditation

  1. National Accreditation
  2. The Australian Coaching Council introduced the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) to regulate instructors /coaches of sporting bodies. The Kung Fu Wushu Australia (KWA) is a provider of Instructor Accreditation courses under the NCAS for Kung Fu, of which Tai Chi is a part.

    The NCAS is a regulatory program which provides regulated instructors, to ensure professional updating, client -safe environments and 'classes' that were conducted ethically, lawfully and with respect to best business practice.

    The Accreditation Course covers coaching/teaching /instructing (all interchangeable) methods, business considerations and risk management processes with a Chinese WuShu (martial Arts- including Tai Chi) emphasis. The Course includes satisfactory completion of a workbook on coaching methods/processes and also requires submission of a video of your class in progress.

    The pre-requisite for course entry is 5 years of Tai Chi study under suitably qualified instructor/s who vouch/s that you have obtained the necessary skill for teaching purposes. Where there is no teacher to sign off the Sports Specific (Tai Chi ) component for you, you would need to submit that you were the most senior (experienced) in your group with support evidence of the forms you've learned, the amount of training you have had and the teachers who have provided this. A minimum of 1 year teaching experience as an assistant is also necessary and can be undertaken within the 5 year period or after the accreditation course, but the certificate would be withheld until both requirements are finalised.

    NCAS Accreditation needs updating every 4 years and insurance is increasingly dependant on currency of accreditation, which is invalidated if membership with KWA lapses. ALL TCAA members are associate members of KWA and do not need to take out separate memberships in order to undertake NCAS accreditation. Updating consists of attending the workshop as previously, to pick up any newly available information. Risk minimisation strategies are the current focus. You can access KWA website for further info.

  3. Health and Fitness Accreditation
  4. Various health and fitness schools and organisation provide accreditation for the teaching of their specific health and fitness program. These accreditations do not provide NCAS Government recognition and are not usually for the martial art; they are for qualification of teachers within their specific systems.
